Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Yes, it's that time!!! It's finally Hallowe'en.....my favourite time of the year. It's the day that everyone, young and old, get to dress in a costume of their choice with no inhibitions at all whatsoever. It's the night to bring out your evil twin (if you're a Gemini like me), dress up as a hero you adore, or let out your alter ego; it really should be done at least once a year, otherwise, your alter ego will eventually take over and that'll be the end of the you that everyone knows (and probably loves). It's hard to say if people will accept your alter ego; it's possible, but most people are good the way they are, so it's good to keep your own in check.
I've got the goody bags ready for the little trick or treaters (and some not so little; but, hey, if they've got the guts to still dress up and go door to door, as long as they're polite, I don't have a problem with giving them candy.)
And another thing....what the hell is with this handing out "healthy" goodies????? It's Hallowe'en for crying out loud! Have these parents not taught their kids the proper use a toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss? Do they not set boundaries for their kids as to how much or how often they can have treats? Have they not designated a special place that is forbidden to their kids to stash undesirable items? I'm sure if they stashed the excess goodies with their adult movies or adult toys or their own stash of expensive dark chocolate there would still be some there in the Spring (or as one person I know has done, hand it out next Hallowe'en; personally, I think that is tacky; and, the candies are stale too. yuck!!!)
Well, I seem to have gone off track, and I apologize. Everyone has their issues and opinions; some of us just voice them alot more often and louder. I'm done now though.
Back to the fall festivities. I will probably wear my black cape and my long black wig, but I don't want to go all out with the makeup and such. Don't want to scare the bejeezes out of some toddler and have him scarred for life. (I can just see it now....30 years from now, some CEO with alot of impact on the community will suddenly try to abolish trick or treating because of the incident when he was 3 years old. I can see my house pictured on the evening news with the caption, HOME OF THE EASTWICK WITCH, beware!!!!! ) I'll have the front of the house decked out in rattling bones, talking heads and dripping blood. There'll be lots of spiders and webs, of course, and quite possibly a coffin with a skeleton welcoming the little monsters. When the door opens in response to their demands for candy, I'll stick one long bony finger out first (not mine obviously cuz there's nothing bony about me!), then slowly creak the door open the rest of the way. There will be smoke curling around my head (fake, not cigarette, yuck!) and low eerie lighting behind me with sounds of torture and despair......no, not really, like I said, I don't want to be haunted 30 years from now by the memories of a spooked 3 year old!
Naw, I'm just going to greet each little one with a warm friendly smile and comment on how cute they are (cuz some of them are absolutely adorable!!!). Maybe next year I'll be able to fulfill my dream of the ultimate Hallow's Eve and go all out in the back yard so that those that dare can tour through and have the bejeezes scared out of them (those 10 and older, that is). I'll be all dolled up in my best robes conjuring up demons with my spells and mixing potions in my cauldron for those that need a little something extra. My familiar will take care of security as he is very good at it; can pick an eyeball out clean at 20 paces! But, that's next year. This year will be fun; for the kids of course, that's still my number one priority. There will be a year for me....you'll see...and if you dare to actually SEE, better have said your prayers!
Have a safe, fun night all!
Witch Mystica

Some Things Never Change and Some Things Remain the Same

I watched Mask this evening; not The Mask, but Mask. The story about a teenage boy with a rare growth disease where his skull was growing at a faster rate than the rest of him; this made his face look deformed. It was originally released in the 70's and stars Cher, Eric Stoltz and Sam Elliott (one of my all time favourite hunks!). It really got to me, as much as it did when I saw it for the first time thirty years ago. I highly recommend it.
I got me thinking as well. Do you ever wonder what happened to some of the people that you knew when you were a kid? I'm talking elementary school aged. I remember this boy Blair who had a disease where his brain was growing faster than the rest of him. I remember him as a short skinny boy with a huge head. He may have died from that disease, or he could be the CEO os some huge company by now; who knows!

I remember this other boy named Warren. Red hair, a year or two older than me, and very nice. We'd talk for hours up in a tree on our block. I remember in one conversation we had, we both wanted the other one at our funeral; I felt that was very special at the time. Looking back, of course, it almost seems a bit eerie; I mean, who makes a guest list for their own funeral???? I suppose there's always one in the bunch somewhere.

Friday, October 20, 2006

I Just Want to Help

For the past few months I've had the feeling that I've got a higher calling and that my purpose on this earth is to help people. Recently an idea has come to me and I'm hoping that my efforts will help put things in place so that I can do what I feel I need to do. The person(s) that will be affected could possibly benefit quite a bit from not too much effort on my part; if I choose to really give it all I've got......well, let's just say the sky is the limit as to how many people could be positively affected. I just want to help in any way I can and I really hope that the universe and the higher powers can see that and agree with me. Time will tell.

Ah...It Was One of "Those" days...Again!

Yes, I had a feeling about Monday, and it turned out it was one of those days that I really tried to get alot of things done, but not a whole lot was accomplished. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't for lack of trying on my part. Each time I tried, there were so many obstacles and/or objections, that it was just physically impossible! But, as long as I know that I tried, I know I did the best that I could have at the time, and I'm okay with that. Some days will be easy, and some will be challenging. That's one of the things that makes life so interesting sometimes cuz you never know what you're gonna get. Like Forrest said, "Mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates....".
Mmmmmmmmm...........chocolate! Tastes magical!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Do You Ever Get "That" Feeling?

Today I woke up with the feeling that today had something very interesting planned for me. Can't determine whether or not it's positive or negative, but it is powerful, that's for sure. I'm finding I'm really in tune with every little noise, and I feel like I'm living inside my head today...very strange. Not that this hasn't happened before, but I've never documented it until today. I'll fill you in later as to how things went today.
Wishing you all a magical day,

Friday, October 13, 2006

Happy Friday the 13th Everyone!

Ahhhh.....the dreaded Friday the 13th....well, dreaded for some but for others, we welcome the mysterious...the out of the ordinary...the unknown. For some of us, it holds a power that can't be matched by any "logical" in your face kind of day. Today is the day to work on anything that your heart desires; that is, anything that you've been wanting to do but haven't for whatever reason. For myself, this day is for working on, and hopefully finishing, a personal task that has been "interrupted" many, many times in the past year. I think the main problem I've had is myself. Yes, I'm the one that has been doing most of the "interrupting", believe it or not. I find it strange that when one sets a goal, it's not anyone or anything else that puts up the obstacles, but oneself. Go figure, eh? You'd think that oneself would be the one to be the most supportive; that old self destruct mode that some of us use way too much!!! Mystica

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My Head is Swimming

As a newcomer to the world of Magick and Wicca, I decided I would surf the net to see what's out there as far as local covens and such....well, my head is now swimming with the wealth of information I found and I only visited a small percentage of sites out there. I wasn't able to break it down into locations either and I suspect alot of the sites are based in the states. I would like to connect to a local Canadian group so that I can hone my skills, possibly with one on one instruction, but.....I guess I'll just have to try again when my brain has dried off and I've had lunch and a nap so that I'm revitalized.
Happy Casting and Chanting to you all.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Mystica's Magical...

I do hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving. At my house, we enjoyed ourselves and realized the many things around us that we're thankful for including our health, our family, our friends as well as things like a roof over our heads, more than enough food to eat, a safe place for us to live and children to grow up. There is so much emphasis on "success" these days that I think true success has been clouded by material gain. In some ways, I think it would be nice to go back to a simpler time when the important things like family and friends were at the top of most people's lists. I think I may have lived in a simpler time and have fond memories of such. Be interesting to find out exactly who I was......don't you think?Mystica's Magical...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Mystica's Magical...

Yesterday was a positive day; a few good things happened. Nothing groundbreaking, just good which most of the time, is enough for me. I don't feel that life has to be full of big dramatic events anymore to be interesting, but I used to in my earlier years. I couldn't deal with my life if there wasn't something totally stressful going on that needed my unfocused attention. Sometimes I would actually create some drama because I just wasn't comfortable with my life going along smoothly. It's a good thing I've learned alot since then and I can accept a day as being positive without some grand event marking the day. Strange how years will totally change a person's perspective. Mind you, there isn't much in the universe that surprises me anymore. The more I learn about the universe and all it's wondrous goingsons, the more I understand it and the more I like it. Mystica's Magical...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Mystica's Magical...

Mystica's Magical...
I have the strangest feeling about today; I've consulted the Tarot and it tells me that I'll need alot of energy to deal with today and that I must be careful not to disregard others in my decision making.......hmmmmm........we'll see.
Well, after much chanting and deep into the night, I finished my spells. Only time will tell if I was successful with them. Nothing negative, you understand, only positive energy was used for positive results. Those of you that know me will know whether or not my spells are successful;you'll see the results. If unsuccessful, I will try again, because there's no point in one trying if one does not do one's best. I think that's why we were each put on this earth; to do the best that we can with what we've got for as many as possible. In my case, I feel I have a special gift that I not only WANT to share, but I SHOULD share with the universe and all that's in it. I also find it very fulfilling. It brings a peaceful calm to my inner self that no material thing can produce. I strongly believe that each of us has a special gift of our own and hopefully, we all can find our uniqueness and share with others to make this world a better place, not just for ourselves, but for generations to come.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Life Truly Is a Wonderous Thing

Do you ever wonder how much our universe really affects us? Have you ever wondered how much of an impact one person can have on the world around them? Me too. Lately, more so than ever. There are so many possible, and seemingly impossible, ways that we can interact with that around us that maybe if each of us took a step back and really looked, we'd find all the answers to all the questions that we've ever asked. That is my goal - to practice looking until I am able to find the answers that I crave. I believe that then, and only then, I will be able to leave this physical world that we live in and move on to whatever awaits me, knowing that I lived a full life.