Wednesday, October 10, 2007

We're All Human, Imperfect, But Still, Human

After reading a blog that was recommended to me, it got me thinking about a few things that I haven't thought about for almost a year now.
This person's dad presently has cancer and has had surgery as well; got me thinking about my mom. This person seems to be confused as to what they are feeling and I can totally relate to the frustration and helplessness that they may be feeling. I used to be more afraid of what I wouldn't feel as opposed to what I would feel at my mom's funeral. There might be the expected tears with emotions running high, but what if there wasn't any of that? Would that make me a bad person? A person with very limited emotional expression?
No, I don't think so. I've come to accept my mom for who she is (as distant as she is from me emotionally) and as long as I know in my heart that I have done all that I can to strengthen our relationship, I don't feel that I should expect any more from myself. How much more can one do than their best? We are all human beings with imperfections and socially frowned upon faults but I strongly believe that each one of us is here for a reason. We might not see why for many years or maybe never at all, but we all have the capacity to love, share and teach and none of those attributes should ever be kept under wraps. As humans we need each other. And even though we are the ones that have made up the "rules", what we feel, we feel, and that's never wrong.
So, this person whose blog I recently read, I hope that you get a chance to read this - please let me know if any of it helps, okay? (I tried to enter a comment on your blog, but it wouldn't let me.)
Peace and tranquility to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wrote a line that I want to ask you about..."A person with very limited emotional expression?.

I have the opposite problem and am always trying to keep it under wraps. When I think back I remember you having a very good poker face while telling a joke that has the rest of the room in stitches. I think your calmness was the funniest part of all.

So tell me, do you keep your emotions under wraps or are you just a very calm person?

Friday, October 12, 2007 8:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens if the person's "reason for being here" has passed and the person can't find a replacement reason for being here?

Friday, October 12, 2007 8:36:00 AM  

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