Happy Friday the 13th Everyone!
Ahhhh.....the dreaded Friday the 13th....well, dreaded for some but for others, we welcome the mysterious...the out of the ordinary...the unknown. For some of us, it holds a power that can't be matched by any "logical" in your face kind of day. Today is the day to work on anything that your heart desires; that is, anything that you've been wanting to do but haven't for whatever reason. For myself, this day is for working on, and hopefully finishing, a personal task that has been "interrupted" many, many times in the past year. I think the main problem I've had is myself. Yes, I'm the one that has been doing most of the "interrupting", believe it or not. I find it strange that when one sets a goal, it's not anyone or anything else that puts up the obstacles, but oneself. Go figure, eh? You'd think that oneself would be the one to be the most supportive; that old self destruct mode that some of us use way too much!!! Mystica
Ooooo...I hadn't noticed! Very well could be my former birthdate! Who knows how many times I've been born, and you too for that matter!
Spoooooky and its in October and it is very close to a full moon. I bet the emergency rooms will be hopping tonight!
oh you bet! she hasn't given me the details yet though...is this like last time when she didn't let everyone know the location until the day of the party? i get the feeling that she usually has alot of crashers show up. that must be frustrating...although, i do believe she likes a good challenge just as much as the rest of us!
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