Mystica's Magical...
Yesterday was a positive day; a few good things happened. Nothing groundbreaking, just good which most of the time, is enough for me. I don't feel that life has to be full of big dramatic events anymore to be interesting, but I used to in my earlier years. I couldn't deal with my life if there wasn't something totally stressful going on that needed my unfocused attention. Sometimes I would actually create some drama because I just wasn't comfortable with my life going along smoothly. It's a good thing I've learned alot since then and I can accept a day as being positive without some grand event marking the day. Strange how years will totally change a person's perspective. Mind you, there isn't much in the universe that surprises me anymore. The more I learn about the universe and all it's wondrous goingsons, the more I understand it and the more I like it. Mystica's Magical...
I love how you are thinking here. I need to learn that if there is not something big going on, I can accept that too.
I want to be able to do that a little more often!
Like the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect". It took me quite awhile to learn, but at this point in my life, I welcome calm, relaxing, fulfilling days. Don't get me wrong, there are still the extreme stress days but I'm not usually the one inventing them. It feels good. I'm also learning that I don't have to take on everyone else's problems; nine times out of ten, their problems have nothing to do with me and sometimes there's nothing I could do anyway to help. I always try to lend an ear though; I've found that that may be all they're looking for.
Well, I'm neither. And I won't be getting any turkey cuz I'm a ham fan. Hope you get all the turkey you want!
Yes, Wednesday, for sure!
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