Sunday, November 11, 2007

What a Rush!!!!!

I had the most exhilarating experience this afternoon that I want to share.
I was standing outside in my backyard, and it was a bit breezy so the branches of the huge trees around me were swaying slightly. I took a deep breath and quietly said thanks out loud to "whoever" was listening (and I am not referring to the drunk passed out in the walkway next to our yard, lol). We've had some financial difficulties in the past year or so and have tried for the past 6 months to get refinancing without success; we found out a couple of days ago that we have been approved so we can stay in our home and don't have to move our children or our animals.
As the last word left my mouth, all the trees began waving wildly with the wind that had just picked up and it was truly an experience to remember!!!!! I felt my whole being filled with what can only be described as content joyful peace - it was overwhelming, in a good way. I haven't felt like that in a very long time, if ever.

I got the feeling that it wasn't a coincidence, but a message telling me that everything was going to be alright from now on. It feels great. And every chance I get, I am going to do my best to "pay it forward" - I love that concept. This world would be an even better place if we all did.

I'm hoping all you in Bloggerville have honoured this day with remembering those that fought for our freedom and that each and every one of you do your best to do your best each and every day!

Signing off for now, but will return soon. Keep happy.

Had to share these.....

The 11:11:11 Energies
A Photo Essay in Crystals
Images by Jan Custers
Text by Celia Fenn

At this time of Radiant Cosmic Energies, we are privileged to be able to share in Jan's interpretation of the energies through his beautiful Crystal Images.
Each of these images holds the power of the Cosmic 11:11:11 energies, and can be used as a focus of meditation on the energies.

The Crystal Energiescarrying the key to Christ Consciousnessflow through the Cosmic Gate11:11:11
Gold and SilverIndigo and Orange and PinkThe Divine Feminineand the Divine MasculineUnite in Sacred UnionCreating patterns and pathsfor the New Earth
The Two that are OneThe One that is TwoHear the Celestial MusicHarmonyInfinity.....

Breathe in the Sacred Energiesallow them to flow through youfeel the power of AlignmentAs your Higher and Lower beings mergein one Perfect UnionPEACELOVEJOYRADIANCE
It is time to Sing and Danceand harmonize with the LOVEof All That Is!

© 2004-5 Jan Custers,Celia Fenn and the Starchild Ascension Group This work is licensed under a Creative

When I first looked at these pictures, I got a shiver down my spine. It's almost the same feeling I get when I spend time by myself out in my backyard with all the huge trees around the edge of the property. It's not something that can be described in words very well by anyone that I know - you'd have to experience it to really understand it; hopefully one or two of these touches somebody that sees them cuz it's quite the experience! If you feel it, you'll know exactly what I'm trying to say; I'm curious so let me know, either way, okay?

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Any Advice Anyone?

I have a bit of a dilemma.
During the last month or two, my husband has been attending church (Christian) with which I do not have a problem. He finds it to be an outlet for some of his frustrations and he feels better about himself which I think is great. The problem is, he wants me to go as well. Now he has spoken of those that attend church and just give "lip service" and I feel that I wouldn't be sincere in going. I explained to him that there are those that like to pray with others, and those that prefer to do their worshipping in private. Well, I'm one of the ones that prefers privacy and I'm comfortable with that. His bigger concern is our young child who has been to a couple of services and attended a couple of Sunday school classes but is not all that interested in church and does not attend anymore. My husband feels that if I were to attend, then maybe our child would as well. I told him that there's no guarantee with that and I would be fine with our child deciding when they're older and can understand more about what going to church is all about. Our older child (midteens) isn't interested in church at all but does not dis the church or my husband.
What do you think? Is this one of those times that I should show my support by attending even though I feel my time would be better spent doing other things? I ask him about church and prayer meetings he attends and we talk about it a bit, but he also knows that I'm not nearly as interested as he is. Am I being selfish?